HSQL identify auto increase ID
In HSQLDB you can use IDENTITY keyword to define an auto-increment column, normally, this is the primary key. Review below examples :
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1295
Python 3 TypeError: str does not support the buffer interface
Review a Python 2 socket example
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1795
Tomcat 7 + Java 8 : Invalid byte tag in constant pool: 15
Just upgraded to Java 8, and the Tomcat 7 keeps prompting the following exceptions:
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 2240
Java 8 Lambda : Comparator example
In this example, we will show you how to use Java 8 Lambda expression to write a Comparator to sort a List.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1990
Meteor hello world example
In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a website with Meteor framework.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1667
Spring MVC @PathVariable dot (.) get truncated
Review a Spring MVC @RequestMapping and @PathVariable example.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1234
How to start Meteor on different port
By default, Meteor app start on port 3000
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1210
How to view HTTP headers in Google Chrome?
To view the request or response HTTP headers in Google Chrome, take the following steps :
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1359
jQuery Ajax request return 200 OK but error event is fired?
Review a jQuery Ajax form submit.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1985
Linux – Which application is using port 8080
Always, Java developers need to know which application is using the high demand 8080 port. In this tutorial, we will show you two ways to find out which application is using port 8080 on Linux.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1329
Jetty java.net.BindException: Address already in use
Start a Java webapp with Maven Jetty plugin.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1732
Spring MVC + Mustache JS template example
In this tutorial, we will show you a Spring MVC + Mustache JS template web application example.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1527
Gradle eclipse plugin unable to attach source code
The source code is attached to the JAR, but Eclipse is keep showing “Source not found” while I jumped to the source via “F3 – Open Declaration”.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 2242
Spring MVC + Logback SLF4j example
In this tutorial, we will show you how to setup slf4j and logback in a Spring MVC web application.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1590
Spring MVC How to set active profile
In this example, we will show you how to set active @Profile in a Spring MVC web application.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1362