Java Display double in 2 decimal places
In Java, there are few ways to display double in 2 decimal places.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1272
NameCheap domain name and Amazon EC2
In this tutorial, we will show you how to associate a NameCheap domain name to an Amazon EC2 instance.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1710
Maven Display project dependency
In Maven, you can use mvn dependency:tree to display the project dependencies in tree format.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1270
Java Convert String to int
In Java, you can use Integer.parseInt() to convert a String to int.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1190
Python 3 : Convert string to bytes
Code snippets to show you how to convert string to bytes and vice versa.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1469
Spring 3 MVC hello world example Annotation
In this tutorial, we will take the previous Maven + Spring MVC XML example, rewrite it to support @JavaConfig configuration, no more XML files, and deploy it into a Servlet 3.0+ container, like Tomcat 7 or Jetty 9.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1370
Gradle – Spring 4 MVC Hello World Example Annotation
In this tutorial, we will take the previous Gradle + Spring MVC XML example, rewrite it to support @JavaConfig annotation configuration, no more XML files.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 2293
Maven Jetty Plugin Examples
Few Maven Jetty 8.x and 9.x plugin examples, just for quick reference.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1416
Eclipse How to change web project context root
If you run or debug a web project in Eclipse, the project name will be the default context root. For example, a project named “springmvc”, the default context root will be
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1559
Combine Spring validator and Hibernate validator
In this article, we will show you how to validate the submitted form values with Spring validator and Hibernate Validator (bean validation).
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1549
Spring Mixing XML and JavaConfig
Spring examples to show you how to mix both Spring XML and JavaConfig together.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1859
How to register a servlet filter in Spring MVC
In a nutshell, a servlet filter lets you intercepts requests and responses on your web application. This article shows you how to register a servlet filter in Spring XML and JavaConfig.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 2363
Spring MVC Catch the exceptions thrown by view page
Here’s the scenario, the controller returns a ModelAndView, and an exception is thrown while rendering the JSP view page, reason behind is one of message code is not found.
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1410
HSQL identify auto increase ID
In HSQLDB you can use IDENTITY keyword to define an auto-increment column, normally, this is the primary key. Review below examples :
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1303
Python 3 TypeError: str does not support the buffer interface
Review a Python 2 socket example
Date: 2019-08-17 View: 1802