jQuery and Java List example
There is no direct way to iterate over a Java List with jQuery, see the following case study :
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 2642
Eclipse java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
In Eclipse IDE, if your program is consuming a lot of memory (loading big data) like this :
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 2291
Ant and TestNG Task example
In this tutorial, we will show you how to run a TestNG test in Ant build.
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 1497
Maven + Cobertura code coverage example
Cobertura is a free Java code coverage tool – calculates the percentage of code accessed by unit tests. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Maven to generate the Cobertura code coverage report for your project.
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 2038
Spring Security Hello World Annotation Example
In preview post, we are using XML files to configure the Spring Security in a Spring MVC environment. In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to convert the previous XML-base Spring Security project into a pure Spring annotation project.
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 1448
JdbcTemplate queryForInt() is Deprecated
Upgrading Spring version and noticed that queryForInt() is deprecated, what should be replaced by?
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 2522
Spring MVC How to include JS or CSS files in a JSP page
In this tutorial, we will show you how to include static resources like JavaScript or CSS in a JSP page.
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 1810
Java String vs StringBuffer
This article shows the difference in time taken for similar operations on a String object and StringBuffer object.
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 1451
Spring Security : Encoded password does not look like BCrypt
In Spring Security, database authentication with bcrypt password hashing.
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 4038
Spring Security + Hibernate Annotation Example
In this tutorial, previous Spring Security + Hibernate4 XML example will be reused, and convert it to a annotation-based example.
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 1574
JSF 2 + Log4j Integration Example
In this tutorial, we will show you how to integrate the log4j framework with the JSF 2.x web application. JSF is using java.util.logging, you need extra works to redirect the logging from JSF’s java.util.logging to log4j, with a serious penalty of performance, make sure use this trick only during local development or debugging environment.
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 2090
Log4j Tutorial
Apache log4j, a classic logging tool in Java. Below are a series of Log4j 1.2 tutorials :
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 1350
Gradle How to skip unit test
Be default, Gradle build is abort if any unit tests is failed. Oftentimes, we still need to build the project even the unit test is failed.
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 2371
Windows 8.1, black screen with movable cursor
Here’s the scenario, morning wake up and find out my Windows 8.1 is displaying a black screen upon boot, no login screen, but a movable white cursor, random clicks will display the small loading icons?
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 1489
Logback Duplicate log messages
Review a simple Java application and log a message via Logback.
Date: 2019-08-18 View: 2748