Oracle PL/SQL ASIN function example
By:Roy.LiuLast updated:2019-08-11
The ASIN() function returns arc sine of input n, the input n must be in the range of -1 to 1. The function will return a value in the range of -pi/2 to pi/2, expressed in radians.
ASIN function examples
SELECT ASIN(.25) FROM DUAL; -- output 0.25268025514207865348565743699370756609 SELECT ASIN(-.5) FROM DUAL; -- output -0.52359877559829887307710723054658381405 SELECT ASIN(-1) FROM DUAL; --output -1.5707963267948966192313216916397514421 SELECT ASIN(1) FROM DUAL; --output 1.5707963267948966192313216916397514421
Now in below example, we tried to pass value -2.5 which is not in range -1 to 1, and notice the error.
SELECT ASIN(-2.5) FROM DUAL; -- output ORA-01428: argument '-2.5' is out of range 01428. 00000 - "argument '%s' is out of range"
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