By:Roy.LiuLast updated:2022-11-17
在设计系统的时候,一张图胜过很多语言描述,因此很多系统在做设计的时候,序列图是必不可少的一项。画UML图有很多工具,但作为程序员来说,我觉得最爽的还是plantUML, 它用编程的方式实现图形。
用plantuml 编写代码如下。
@startuml title The withdrawal amount is greater than the threshold of currency. Manual withdrawal sequence diagram\n skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 1 skinparam roundcorner 20 'skinparam maxmessagesize 60 skinparam backgroundColor #fff skinparam handwritten false skinparam dpi 100 skinparam sequence { ArrowColor black ActorBorderColor #000 LifeLineBorderColor black LifeLineBackgroundColor #CCC ParticipantBorderColor #000 ParticipantBackgroundColor default 'ParticipantFontName Impact ParticipantFontSize 14 ParticipantFontColor #000 ActorFontColor black ActorFontSize 14 'ActorFontName Aapex } skinparam activity{ ArrowFontSize 14 FontSize 14 } autonumber box "Client Side" actor User as user participant "Web Front" as front participant "User Center Application" as uc #ccc end box Database "Database" as db box "Admin Side" participant "Web Admin Application" as admin actor "Admin User" as adminer end box user -> front: open withdraw page front -> front: user fill in withdrawal parameters front -> uc: send withdrawal application note right of uc: withdrawal amount is greater than\n the threshold of currency uc->db:save withdrawal application db->uc:response uc-->front:response to web front,\n application status is processing. ' adminer operation == == adminer->admin:open withdrawal audit page admin->db:query unapproved records db->admin: response unapproved records admin->admin:audit record admin->db:update status of record,\n status is waiting db->admin: response update result note right of admin:Manual processing of account information\nand get transaction id admin->admin:fill in transaction id, and confirm withdrawal. admin->db:update account information db->admin:response result. == == user->front:open withdrawal page front->uc:query withdrawal progress uc->db:get progress of \n withdrawal db->uc:response staus of withdrawal uc->front:response staus of withdrawal @enduml