扩展 jfreechart 的简单方法 (附例子下载)
By:Roy.LiuLast updated:2014-05-19
jFreeChart 是一个利用java 生成图表的工具,可以生成各种类型的图:柱状图,饼图,甘特图,甚至类似于股票里面的走势图等等,功能非常的强大,这是一个免费试用的工具,但作者的网站说:文档是需要收费的。其实作为一般的用法来说,不需要文档就可以完成,网上有太多的例子。我自己也参考了网上的很多例子,但现在项目中的要求是必须与另一个项目生成的 饼图,柱状图基本一致(包括颜色,大小,风格等). 这并需要太多的扩展,基本的样式,直接用 jfreechart 设置 就可以做到, 但有一点在饼图的 label 显示风格不一样,这样就只能扩展了.

经过查询网上资料,直接用原生的 jfreechart API调整过颜色之后的图如下:

很明显,最重要的一点就是 label 的位置不一样,一个在于线并排,一个在线的下方,而且在线下方的时候,完全靠左或右对齐. 要扩展自己的 饼图类,并达到这样的效果.
扩展的方法,在 jfreechart 中无论是饼图还是柱状图,都有对应的 Plot 类,所要进行的扩展基本都在这里面进行, 就那我自己要扩展的饼图来说, 需要继承 PiePlot 进行扩展. 需要扩展的方法如下图所示:

在扩展的代码里,因为 demo 的关系,我 hardcode 了几个数字,第一个是label 的最大宽度,在 drawLeftLabels 这样的方法中,我给了 200 这个固定宽度,原来的代码是通过计算得到的,当然自己也可以通过计算得到,由于我生成的图片大小是固定的,因此我修改成了满足自己的值,第二个 hardcode 的值是 划线的X轴坐标,我用了类似语句: double anchorX = state.getLinkArea().getMaxX() + 128; 后面的 128 是写死的,当然也可以通过计算,通过圆心的坐标,图片宽度,加上state 里面提供的参数,是可以动态计算的。
通过这样的扩展 jfreechart 基本可以满足自己的需要,另外柱状图可以采用类似的方法扩展. 整个项目的 maven 工程下载:
extend jfreechart draw labels

经过查询网上资料,直接用原生的 jfreechart API调整过颜色之后的图如下:

很明显,最重要的一点就是 label 的位置不一样,一个在于线并排,一个在线的下方,而且在线下方的时候,完全靠左或右对齐. 要扩展自己的 饼图类,并达到这样的效果.
扩展的方法,在 jfreechart 中无论是饼图还是柱状图,都有对应的 Plot 类,所要进行的扩展基本都在这里面进行, 就那我自己要扩展的饼图来说, 需要继承 PiePlot 进行扩展. 需要扩展的方法如下图所示:

@Override protected void drawLeftLabels(KeyedValues leftKeys, Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D linkArea, float maxLabelWidth, PiePlotState state) { this.getLabelDistributor().clear(); double lGap = plotArea.getWidth() * this.getLabelGap(); double verticalLinkRadius = state.getLinkArea().getHeight() / 2.0; for (int i = 0; i < leftKeys.getItemCount(); i++) { String label = this.getLabelGenerator().generateSectionLabel( this.getDataset(), leftKeys.getKey(i)); if (label != null) { TextBlock block = TextUtilities.createTextBlock(label, this.getLabelFont(), this.getLabelPaint(), 200, new G2TextMeasurer(g2)); TextBox labelBox = new TextBox(block); labelBox.setBackgroundPaint(this.getLabelBackgroundPaint()); labelBox.setOutlinePaint(this.getLabelOutlinePaint()); labelBox.setOutlineStroke(this.getLabelOutlineStroke()); labelBox.setShadowPaint(this.getLabelShadowPaint()); labelBox.setInteriorGap(this.getLabelPadding()); double theta = Math.toRadians( leftKeys.getValue(i).doubleValue()); double baseY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta) * verticalLinkRadius; double hh = labelBox.getHeight(g2); this.getLabelDistributor().addPieLabelRecord(new PieLabelRecord( leftKeys.getKey(i), theta, baseY, labelBox, hh, lGap / 2.0 + lGap / 2.0 * -Math.cos(theta), 1.0 - getLabelLinkDepth() + getExplodePercent(leftKeys.getKey(i)))); } } double hh = plotArea.getHeight(); double gap = hh * getInteriorGap(); this.getLabelDistributor().distributeLabels(plotArea.getMinY() + gap, hh - 2 * gap); for (int i = 0; i < this.getLabelDistributor().getItemCount(); i++) { drawLeftLabel(g2, state, this.getLabelDistributor().getPieLabelRecord(i)); } } @Override protected void drawRightLabels(KeyedValues keys, Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D linkArea, float maxLabelWidth, PiePlotState state) { // draw the right labels... this.getLabelDistributor().clear(); double lGap = plotArea.getWidth() * this.getLabelGap(); double verticalLinkRadius = state.getLinkArea().getHeight() / 2.0; for (int i = 0; i < keys.getItemCount(); i++) { String label = this.getLabelGenerator().generateSectionLabel( this.getDataset(), keys.getKey(i)); if (label != null) { TextBlock block = TextUtilities.createTextBlock(label, this.getLabelFont(), this.getLabelPaint(), 200, new G2TextMeasurer(g2)); TextBox labelBox = new TextBox(block); labelBox.setBackgroundPaint(this.getLabelBackgroundPaint()); labelBox.setOutlinePaint(this.getLabelOutlinePaint()); labelBox.setOutlineStroke(this.getLabelOutlineStroke()); labelBox.setShadowPaint(this.getLabelShadowPaint()); labelBox.setInteriorGap(this.getLabelPadding()); double theta = Math.toRadians(keys.getValue(i).doubleValue()); double baseY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta) * verticalLinkRadius; double hh = labelBox.getHeight(g2); this.getLabelDistributor().addPieLabelRecord(new PieLabelRecord( keys.getKey(i), theta, baseY, labelBox, hh, lGap / 2.0 + lGap / 2.0 * Math.cos(theta), 1.0 - getLabelLinkDepth() + getExplodePercent(keys.getKey(i)))); } } double hh = plotArea.getHeight(); double gap = hh * getInteriorGap(); this.getLabelDistributor().distributeLabels(plotArea.getMinY() + gap, hh - 2 * gap); for (int i = 0; i < this.getLabelDistributor().getItemCount(); i++) { drawRightLabel(g2, state, this.getLabelDistributor().getPieLabelRecord(i)); } } @Override protected void drawLeftLabel(Graphics2D g2, PiePlotState state, PieLabelRecord record) { double anchorX = state.getLinkArea().getMinX() - 129; double targetX = anchorX; double targetY = record.getAllocatedY(); if ( getLabelLinksVisible() ) { double theta = record.getAngle(); double linkX = state.getPieCenterX() + Math.cos(theta) * state.getPieWRadius() * record.getLinkPercent(); double linkY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta) * state.getPieHRadius() * record.getLinkPercent(); double elbowX = state.getPieCenterX() + Math.cos(theta) * state.getLinkArea().getWidth() / 2.0; double elbowY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta) * state.getLinkArea().getHeight() / 2.0; double anchorY = elbowY; g2.setPaint( getLabelLinkPaint() ); g2.setStroke( getLabelLinkStroke() ); PieLabelLinkStyle style = getLabelLinkStyle(); if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.STANDARD)) { g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(linkX, linkY, elbowX, elbowY)); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY)); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(anchorX, anchorY, targetX, targetY)); } else if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.QUAD_CURVE)) { QuadCurve2D q = new QuadCurve2D.Float(); q.setCurve(targetX, targetY, anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY); g2.draw(q); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(elbowX, elbowY, linkX, linkY)); } else if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.CUBIC_CURVE)) { CubicCurve2D c = new CubicCurve2D .Float(); c.setCurve(targetX, targetY, anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY, linkX, linkY); g2.draw(c); } } TextBox tb = record.getLabel(); tb.setShadowXOffset(0D); tb.setShadowXOffset(0D); tb.setInteriorGap(new RectangleInsets(0D, 2D, 0D, 0D)); tb.draw(g2, (float) targetX - 2 , (float) targetY + 8, RectangleAnchor.LEFT); } @Override protected void drawRightLabel(Graphics2D g2, PiePlotState state, PieLabelRecord record) { double anchorX = state.getLinkArea().getMaxX() + 128; double targetX = anchorX ; double targetY = record.getAllocatedY(); if (this.getLabelLinksVisible()) { double theta = record.getAngle(); double linkX = state.getPieCenterX() + Math.cos(theta) * state.getPieWRadius() * record.getLinkPercent(); double linkY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta) * state.getPieHRadius() * record.getLinkPercent(); double elbowX = state.getPieCenterX() + Math.cos(theta) * state.getLinkArea().getWidth() / 2.0; double elbowY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta) * state.getLinkArea().getHeight() / 2.0 ; double anchorY = elbowY; g2.setPaint(this.getLabelLinkPaint()); g2.setStroke(this.getLabelLinkStroke()); PieLabelLinkStyle style = getLabelLinkStyle(); if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.STANDARD)) { g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(linkX, linkY, elbowX, elbowY)); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY)); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(anchorX, anchorY, targetX, targetY)); } else if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.QUAD_CURVE)) { QuadCurve2D q = new QuadCurve2D.Float(); q.setCurve(targetX, targetY, anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY); g2.draw(q); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(elbowX, elbowY, linkX, linkY)); } else if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.CUBIC_CURVE)) { CubicCurve2D c = new CubicCurve2D .Float(); c.setCurve(targetX, targetY, anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY, linkX, linkY); g2.draw(c); } } TextBox tb = record.getLabel(); tb.setShadowXOffset(0D); tb.setShadowXOffset(0D); tb.setInteriorGap(new RectangleInsets(0D, 0D, 0D, 0D)); tb.draw(g2, (float) targetX , (float) targetY + 8, RectangleAnchor.RIGHT); } @Override protected void drawLabels(Graphics2D g2, List keys, double totalValue, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D linkArea, PiePlotState state) { Composite originalComposite = g2.getComposite(); g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f)); // classify the keys according to which side the label will appear... DefaultKeyedValues leftKeys = new DefaultKeyedValues(); DefaultKeyedValues rightKeys = new DefaultKeyedValues(); double runningTotal = 0.0; Iterator iterator = keys.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Comparable key = (Comparable) iterator.next(); boolean include = true; double v = 0.0; Number n = this.getDataset().getValue(key); if (n == null) { include = !this.getIgnoreNullValues(); } else { v = n.doubleValue(); include = this.getIgnoreZeroValues() ? v > 0.0 : v >= 0.0; } if (include) { runningTotal = runningTotal + v; // work out the mid angle (0 - 90 and 270 - 360) = right, // otherwise left double mid = this.getStartAngle() + (this.getDirection().getFactor() * ((runningTotal - v / 2.0) * 360) / totalValue); if (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(mid)) < 0.0) { leftKeys.addValue(key, new Double(mid)); } else { rightKeys.addValue(key, new Double(mid)); } } } g2.setFont(getLabelFont()); // calculate the max label width from the plot dimensions, because // a circular pie can leave a lot more room for labels... double marginX= plotArea.getX() + this.getInteriorGap() * plotArea.getWidth(); double gap = plotArea.getWidth() * this.getLabelGap(); double ww = linkArea.getX() - gap - marginX; float labelWidth = (float) this.getLabelPadding().trimWidth(ww); // draw the labels... if (this.getLabelGenerator() != null) { drawLeftLabels(leftKeys, g2, plotArea, linkArea, labelWidth, state); drawRightLabels(rightKeys, g2, plotArea, linkArea, labelWidth, state); } g2.setComposite(originalComposite); }
在扩展的代码里,因为 demo 的关系,我 hardcode 了几个数字,第一个是label 的最大宽度,在 drawLeftLabels 这样的方法中,我给了 200 这个固定宽度,原来的代码是通过计算得到的,当然自己也可以通过计算得到,由于我生成的图片大小是固定的,因此我修改成了满足自己的值,第二个 hardcode 的值是 划线的X轴坐标,我用了类似语句: double anchorX = state.getLinkArea().getMaxX() + 128; 后面的 128 是写死的,当然也可以通过计算,通过圆心的坐标,图片宽度,加上state 里面提供的参数,是可以动态计算的。
通过这样的扩展 jfreechart 基本可以满足自己的需要,另外柱状图可以采用类似的方法扩展. 整个项目的 maven 工程下载:
extend jfreechart draw labels