Filenet Eform 转成 PDF 方法
By:Roy.LiuLast updated:2012-07-14
eform 是 Filenet 自带的一个表单设计器。就其本身来说,功能远远不及 lotus form , 而且 lotus form 可以和 Filenet 很好的集成在一起。
不过很多企业,不会另外花钱买 LOTUS FORM ,所以还是一直沿用了 Eform。在做Eform输出表单的时候,其实在 FILENET workplace 中是可以看到导出为PDF 文档的。
但真实的情况是,客户根本不愿意用WORKPLACE 来工作,workplace 给用户直接使用,实在是很不友好。而且 workplace (xt),一般来说是给管理员用的。终端用户使用的,都需要定制开发,调用API,或者REST API方式自己做应用。
在做应用的过程中,就有需要把EFORM 直接导出为PDF 的需求。其实是可行的。自己编码实现。
不过很多企业,不会另外花钱买 LOTUS FORM ,所以还是一直沿用了 Eform。在做Eform输出表单的时候,其实在 FILENET workplace 中是可以看到导出为PDF 文档的。
但真实的情况是,客户根本不愿意用WORKPLACE 来工作,workplace 给用户直接使用,实在是很不友好。而且 workplace (xt),一般来说是给管理员用的。终端用户使用的,都需要定制开发,调用API,或者REST API方式自己做应用。
在做应用的过程中,就有需要把EFORM 直接导出为PDF 的需求。其实是可行的。自己编码实现。
package com.filenet.wcm.toolkit.server.operations.contentmanager; import com.filenet.wcm.api.*; import com.filenet.wcm.toolkit.server.operations.util.CIConfigProperties; import com.filenet.wcm.toolkit.server.operations.contentmanager.CEDocument; import com.filenet.wcm.toolkit.server.operations.util.opsUtil; import filenet.vw.api.*; import*; import java.util.Date; import*; public class CEeForms { private static CIConfigProperties conf = null; private static String userId = "Administrator"; private static String password = "password"; private static String appId = "eForm2PDF"; private static ObjectStore docObjectStore = null; private static Folder docFolder = null; private static Session sess = null; private static Session sess2 = null; private static boolean error = false; private static VWAttachment vwa = null; private static String guidObjStore; private static String guideFormTemplate; private static String guideFormDocument; private static String tmpFile = "C:\\pe"; private static GettableObject myAttachment = null; private static opsUtil opUtils = null; private static Document d = null; private static void log(String message) { String logfilename = "C:\\Integrator.log"; try { if (conf==null) conf = new CIConfigProperties(); logfilename = conf.getValue("logfilename",logfilename); FileWriter file = new FileWriter(logfilename, true); BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter(file); w.write(new Date() + ": "); w.write(message); w.newLine(); w.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } public static VWAttachment eForm2PDF ( String hostName, String appId, String objStore, VWAttachment eFormTemplate, String eFormDocumentID, String params, String filename, String docClassName, String destFolder ) { log("eForm2PDF"); String myURL = ""; opUtils = new opsUtil(); VWAttachment returnAttachment = new VWAttachment(); try { initialize(objStore); if (error) return null; guidObjStore = getObjStoreGUID(objStore); if (error) return null; log ("GUID Object Store = "+ guidObjStore); sess2 = opUtils.getSession(); log("ok getsession"); guideFormTemplate = eFormTemplate.getVersion(); log ("ID Form template (getVersion) = "+ guideFormTemplate); myAttachment = opUtils.getAttachment(eFormTemplate, sess2); Document doc = (Document)myAttachment; guideFormTemplate = doc.getId(); log ("ID Form template (doc) = "+guideFormTemplate); guideFormDocument = eFormDocumentID; log ("ID Form document (doc) = "+ guideFormDocument); myURL = "http://"+hostName+"/" + appId + "/FormServlet?" + "cmd=image&" + "user=" + userId + "&" + "pwd=" +password + "&" + "appID=" + appId + "&" + "template=local," + guidObjStore + "." + guideFormTemplate + "&" + "data=local," + guidObjStore + "." + guideFormDocument + "&" + params; URL url = new URL(myURL); log("Opening connection to "+myURL); URLConnection urlC = url.openConnection(); InputStream is = url.openStream(); log("Copying resource (type: "+urlC.getContentType()); Date date = new Date(urlC.getLastModified()); log(", modified on; " + date.toLocaleString() + ")..."); System.out.flush(); String fileExt = "." + params.substring( 2, 5 ); log ("writing stream to "+ tmpFile + fileExt ); FileOutputStream fos = null; fos= new FileOutputStream(tmpFile + fileExt ); int oneChar, count=0; while (( != -1) { fos.write(oneChar); count++; } is.close(); fos.close(); log(count+" byte(s) saved to "+tmpFile + fileExt ); log("creating document (objstore = "+objStore+", class = "+docClassName+", folder= "+destFolder); String docType = ( fileExt.compareTo( ".pdf" ) == 0 ) ? "application/pdf" : "image/tiff"; d = CEDocument.newDoc(objStore, docClassName, destFolder, tmpFile + fileExt, docType, filename ); if (d!= null) { log ("document successfully created"); returnAttachment.setLibraryName(objStore); returnAttachment.setLibraryType(VWLibraryType.LIBRARY_TYPE_CONTENT_ENGINE); returnAttachment.setType(VWAttachmentType.ATTACHMENT_TYPE_DOCUMENT); returnAttachment.setId(d.getId()); returnAttachment.setVersion(d.getId()); log ("return attachment set"); } } catch (Exception e) { log("Error: "+e); return null; } return returnAttachment; } private static void initialize(String objStore) { userId = conf.getValue("ce_user", userId); password = conf.getValue("ce_password", password); tmpFile = conf.getValue("ce_tmpfile", tmpFile); sess = ObjectFactory.getSession(appId, null, userId, password); if (sess == null) { error=true; log("No session object got!"); return; } log("Session object okay"); if (sess.verify() == null) { error=true; log("No user object got or wrong credentials!"); return; } log("User object okay"); objStore = conf.getValue("ce_objStore", objStore); docObjectStore = ObjectFactory.getObjectStore(objStore, sess); if (docObjectStore == null) { error=true; log("No object store object got!"); return; } log("Object store object okay"); log("Initialze okay"); } private static String getObjStoreGUID(String objStore) { String guid = ""; sess = ObjectFactory.getSession(appId, null, userId, password); if (sess == null) { error=true; log("No session object got!"); return null; } log("Session object okay"); if (sess.verify() == null) { error=true; log("No user object got or wrong credentials!"); return null; } log("User object okay"); docObjectStore = ObjectFactory.getObjectStore(objStore, sess); if (docObjectStore == null) { error=true; log("No object store object got!"); return null; } log("Object store object okay"); guid = docObjectStore.getId(); return guid; } }
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