Convert String with commas to Long Java
By:Roy.LiuLast updated:2019-08-18
A short guide to show you how to convert a String with commas to a long type.
1. For a normal String, you can use Long.valueOf to convert it directly.
String bigNumber = "1234567899"; long result = Long.valueOf(bigNumber);
2. For a String with commas, you can use java.text.NumberFormat to convert it.
String bigNumber = "1,234,567,899"; NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US); Number number = 0; try { number = format.parse(bigNumber); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); long result = number.longValue();
3. Alternatively, if you don’t care about Locale, just replace all the commas.
String bigNumber = "1,234,567,899"; long result3 = Long.valueOf(bigNumber.replaceAll(",", "").toString());
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