Regular Expression matches multiple line example Java
By:Roy.LiuLast updated:2019-08-18
By default, the “.” doesn’t match line breaks. To match multiple lines, add (?s) prefix or enable the Pattern.DOTALL flag.
1. Example
A address sample, we need to extract the “Address 1” only.
Starting... Address 1: 88 app 2/8 superman taman, puchong 36100, Malaysia Address 2: abc End
Failed :
To extract “Address 1”, this pattern will return nothing, the “.” doesn’t match multiple lines.
Address 1:\\s(.*)Address 2:
Correct :
To extract “Address 1”, add (?s) prefix.
(?s)Address 1:\\s(.*)Address 2:
Or enable the Pattern.DOTALL mode.
Pattern.compile(Address 1:\\s(.*)Address 2:, Pattern.DOTALL);
2. RegEx Example
Example to use regex multiple lines matching to get the “Address 1” .
package com.mkyong.regex import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class RunExampleTest{ private Pattern addressPattern = Pattern.compile(ADDRESS_PATTERN); private Matcher matcher; //Alternative /*private Pattern addressPattern = Pattern.compile(ADDRESS_PATTERN, Pattern.DOTALL);*/ private static final String ADDRESS_PATTERN = "(?s)Address 1:\\s(.*)Address 2:"; public static void main(String[] args) { String data = "Testing... \n" + "Address 1: 88 app 2/8\n" + "superman taman, puchong\n" + "36100, Malaysia\n" + "Address 2: abc" + "testing end"; RunExampleTest obj = new RunExampleTest(); List<String> list = obj.getAddress(data); System.out.println("Test Data : "); System.out.println(data + "\n"); System.out.println("Address Resut : " + list); private List<String> getAddress(String data){ List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); matcher = addressPattern.matcher(data); while (matcher.find()) { result.add(; return result;
Test Data : Testing... Address 1: 88 app 2/8 superman taman, puchong 47100, Malaysia Address 2: abctesting end Result : [88 app 2/8 superman taman, puchong 47100, Malaysia